Choose Doing What You Love

Choose Doing What You Love

We are brought up in a system where we are being told what to do for the majority of the time. So it only seems like part of it when you’re told that you’d be good at a certain profession or that a certain career is for you. This system is how I wasted three years of my tertiary education doing a degree like I thought I was told to. I got told, being good at the sciences, that I should pursue engineering and that there were plenty of jobs. Not once did I stop and think about how I felt about it, until I ultimately deferred to pursue something I was passionate about in psychology.

Slow down and think.

I am currently studying my undergraduate psychology degree, as I am very connected to the field as a whole. Suffering from mental illness and having friends and loved ones go through similar scenarios gave me a fire and a desire to want to help people. It took me six months of full time employment after I deferred to make this decision, but I know it’s the right one. No one will be able to tell you if it’s the right decision, but you will know when you do too. You need to think about what is it that you love to do? For me it’s talking all things psychology and philosophy and helping people with similar conditions to the ones that afflict me. The thing is, ultimately no one knows what you want to do with your life except you. If you don’t know, then find out. You hold all the answers you’re already looking for.

People are going to criticise you anyway.

People who chose to not follow their dreams are always first to hate on people who are brave enough to follow theirs. I hated everything about engineering and standard office work, there was no drive, and no passion or flair about what I was doing it was all just objective science. Psychology engages my ambition to help, and I am more than excited to see where this path is going to take me. Don’t let people miserable with their own lives ruin yours, and let you think for a second that you’re not good enough to achieve what you want to do. It takes a courageous step to stop doing what you’re told to do and start doing what you love to do. Smart people turn their hobbies into jobs, love painting? Sell your work. If that doesn’t work become an art teacher and refine your skills until it does sell. There are many ways to earn money and do what you love every day. Wealthy people didn’t get to where they were because they wanted to be wealthy, but because they wanted to change the world or tell the world their story. Just because everyone else is doing what they are told they have to do doesn’t mean you should too.

Life’s short.

Nobody has ever wanted to slave away, working for someone else who’s making way more than they are just to retire with an ok amount of money and start to decide which things they can now afford to do. Do what you love every day, period. Work out a way to do that, you may not have all the answers now but have that desire and you’ll get there. Life’s far too short to not be doing this, and having this viewpoint makes people in jobs they hate look silly. Why on earth would you exchange your time for money then do what you want later on in life? Especially when it’s possible to do both. I know the decision I made has been a life changer for me. Take control, stop doing what someone else wants you to do and show everyone what you got.

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From the ashes, you will rise.
